Kategoriarkiv: Om projektet – About the project

Conference on Different Bodies, here I come!

I will be spending Sweden’s unofficial national holiday, Midsummer, abroad this year since I will attend the conference ”Different Bodies: (Self-)Representation, Disability and the Media” at the University of Westminster in London. My ongoing PhD project raises a lot of questions about online embodiment of the disabled body, so I am really looking forward to listening to the other presenters. The theme for my own presentation will be ”At least I can Walk – Online Re-negotiation of Identity in Post-stroke Aphasia”.


First article published!

Today, my first article was published! One down, three to go – since my PhD project is aiming at publishing four articles separetely and then combining them into a thesis. I have been working with this article for about two years, so I am really satisfied that it is finally published.

The article is called ”Signs of aphasia: Online identity and stigma management in post-stroke aphasia” and it is published in the journal ”Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace”. It is available in fulltext online, so if you want you may read it at cyberpsychology.eu/article/view/6759/6234


The article ”Signs of aphasia” on the publication wall at Halmstad University.

Accept! Eller konsten att få en redaktion att le

Tjoho! Min första artikel är accepterad för publicering! Det är en viktig milstolpe och jag har jobbat hårt för den här delsegern! Det var ett skönt besked att inleda helgen med. 

Dessutom fick jag tillfälle att liva upp fredagen för tidskriftens redaktion. Jag fick ett mail med beskedet om accept: 

Samtidigt höll jag på med en mailkonversation med mina handledare, Åsa och Malin, om något så viktigt som glass. Jag reagerar på mailet från redaktionen med att i någon sorts lyckorus skriva: 

Men istället för att vidarebefordra mailet till Malin och Åsa, så trycker jag på Svara. Alla! Aaah! 

Jag fick väg någon form av liten ursäkt:

Och fick ett trevligt svar tillbaka:

Nåja. Jag säger som Sally Santesson: ”Jag bjuder på detta, så att den grå massan kan lära av mina misstag.”

Hälften kvar

halvakakankvarÄr glaset halvfullt eller halvtomt? Eller, snarare: har jag klarat av hälften eller har jag hälften kvar av min doktorandtid? Häromdagen hade det gått exakt halva tiden mellan start och mål, oavsett hur jag väljer att se på saken.

Det innebär också att jag laddar för mitt halvtidsseminarium. Då kommer tre granskare att ha läst mitt material och ställa kluriga frågor till mig, inför en kritisk men förhoppningsvis också nyfiken och intresserad publik. Det känns såklart lite läskigt, men mest är jag taggad.

Halvtidsseminariet är en offentlig tillställning – så om du vill är du självklart välkommen! Det äger rum på HH den 23 mars 2017. Hör av dig så får du fler detaljer. Ses vi där?

Nordic Aphasia Conference in Copenhagen – here I come!

The Nordic Aphasia Conference will take place in Copenhagen in June, and I just received news that I will be presenting a poster!

The title of my poster is ”Online and offline re-negotiation of identity when living with post-stroke aphasia” and hopefully I will get interesting and challenging questions from the other attendees. Looking forward!

I also look forward to meeting some of the people I met in London last December. Great people doing great research!


Nordisk konferens om funktionshinder, Örebro maj 2017

I maj anordnar nätverket Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR) en konferens med rubriken ”Living with disability”. Det blir den 14:e upplagan av konferensen och den äger rum i Örebro den här gången.

Jag kommer hålla en muntlig presentation om min forskning under konferensen, vilket jag ser fram emot. Rubriken för min presentation är ”Online and offline re-negotiation of self when living with post-stroke aphasia”. Jag hoppas få många intressanta frågor och kommentarer!


Third day of the @IARC2016 #aphasia conference 

The third day of Christmas – no, sorry – the conference! Two keynote speakers, four platform talks, a load of parallell workshops and twenty three posters. Puh! 

Some very brief thoughts from a tired but happy brain: 

1) When researchers like Miranda Rose and Carola de Beer talks about multimodality, they mean non-verbal language such as gestures. That if, of course, both important and interesting – but it makes me wonder how they think about the multimodality of the Internet. I whish we’d had more time to chat about that, but I’m hoping there will be more opportunities in the future. 

2) Great to chat with Madeleine Crucie about issues of identityin terms of psychological wellbeing (and thus health). She truly is an inspiration!

3) I will definitely stay tuned on the EVA park-project! A virtual would (very much like Second Life, btw) for people with aphasia to practice social interaction – how cool is that? 

4) Already looking forward to the 18th IARC conference in Portugal in September 2018. See you there!

Second day of the @IARC2016 #aphasia conference

Another great day at the IARC aphasia conference! Two keynote speakers, eight platform talks, four lightning talks and twenty two posters – including mine. Thank you, all, for coming to chat about issues of online identity! I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

Two very brief thoughts: 1) I can’t wait to read the upcoming systematic review by Caroline Baker et al, on depression in aphasia. 2) It was great hearing Madeleine Cruice talk about quality of life in aphasia and the potentially very positive impact of speech and language therapists. Since my project is taking place within the setting of ”Health and lifestyle”, her research is highly relevant (since identity issues are important for quality of life, and since quality of life is an important part of health). 

First day of the @IARC2016 #aphasia conference

What a day! One keynote speaker, eight platform talks, five lightning talks and twenty two poster presentations.  I am inspired by the ambition level of the presenter projects, and the dedication of the researchers. 

Two very brief thoughts: 

1) Research about tele-rehabilitation (using e.g. Adobe Connect or Skype) is obviuosly trending. Keep your eyes open for interesting results coming up from all around the globe (not least Australia and Norway)! 

2) There is no consensus about how the issue of identity should be addressed. Some argue that the goal is to maintain the pre-stroke identity, while others argue that the key to success is to embrace the new post-stroke identity (including aphasia).