Category Archives: Uncategorized

Research Collaboration on Participation

As part of a research project on children’s health and well-being, researchers at Halmstad University have developed a method for increased participation in the design process. Now the architecture firm Krook & Tjäder will collaborate with HH to find out how the method can be integrated with the urban planning process.

Pontus Wärnestål will educate architects in the method and they will then examine ways to apply it in the architectural work. The hope is that the two-year project will result in a new tool to create greater participation that may lead to better built environments for both children and adults.


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UTEXPO 2016 – Pristagare inom informatik

Den 26-28 maj gick årets Utexpo av stapeln där studenter visar upp sina examensarbeten och kreativa idéer. I samband med utställningen sker prisutdelning till de som utmärkt sig föredömligt i sina arbeten. Stort grattis vill vi önska årets pristagare.


Foto: Esbjörn Ebbesson

Pris för bästa kandidatuppsats i informatik tilldelades Angelica Johansson och Emelie Mörk som läst programmet Digital design och innovation. De belönades för arbetet “Integrering av ett UX-perspektiv i Scrum” med diplom och värdecheck från Halmstad stadsnät.



Foto: Esbjörn Ebbesson

Simone Askfelt och Arbenita Osmani Hasolli från Affärssystemprogrammet erhöll Jeevesstipendiet, ett stipendium som tilldelas arbeten som inneburit viktiga kunskapsbidrag inom affärssystem. Arbetets titel är “Ekologiskt hållbart med Business Intelligence – Stöd från BI vid ekologiskt hållbart arbete”.



Bästa examensarbete på Webbdesignprogrammet tilldelades Gentijan Asani, Christopher Wohlfarth, Petter Romhagen och Erik Wahlström som utmärkt sig med sitt utvecklingsprojekt “Streamline” – ett bokningssystem i samarbete med Heléns Rör. Pris och diplom utdelades av Hemsida24.


Digital Services to Support Integration


Veronica Hjelm, Pontus Wärnestål and Maher Alholayb are all involved in the project.

Students in their second year of the Digital Design and Innovation programme are currently working in a design studio project to create a service that helps new arrivals and refugees to find friends in the new country. The project is directed by the Red Cross and its campaign on integration through the effort “Språkvän” (“language friend”) and uses language as a base for people to more easily find and make new friends.

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Informatics Students Compete in Hack for Sweden

Behind the competition are 23 government agencies and organizations, and the goal is for participants to create new digital services using official data.

Johan Svenningsson, Albin Martinsson and Sebastian Marcusson from the Halmstad company Dobus, have developed the idea of an app that will inform the user when it is approaching a historical archaeological site. The target group is primary school pupils and the information comes from the Swedish National Heritage Board. Another team participating consists of Simon Turesson and Per Sonberg from the Digital Design and Innovation programme. They have developed an idea which is to guide the user to areas well-suited to exercise for free, such as hiking trails.

Read the full article here


Arena Affärssystem – ett event inom Affärssystemprogrammet vid Högskolan i Halmstad

Vi hälsar Dig välkommen till eventet Arena Affärssystem där studenter som går sista året på Affärssystemprogrammet presenterar sina uppdrag och projekt som de genomfört i olika organisationer och företag. Presentationerna sker i form av korta filmer och pitchar från studenterna. Kvällen ger även en möjlighet att under trivsamma former träffa och nätverka med personer, företag och organisationer som arbetar med affärssystem och verksamhetsutveckling i vardagen – såväl i praktisk verklighet som inom akademin. Alla ges dessutom möjlighet att träffa och prata med studenter som går på programmet.

Tid: 21 mars klockan 16.00 till cirka 20.00
Plats: Visionen, Hus J, Högskolan i Halmstad (
Anmälan görs på senast den 14 mars.

The Value Creation Driven by Digitized Products Changes Manufacturing Business

Asif Akram

We would like to congratulate Asif Akram who, at January 28, 2016 successfully defended his PhD thesis in Informatics, receiving his doctoral degree.

In his research, Asif Akram has studied how value networks of manufacturing firms are transformed in digital service innovation driven by digitized products. A value network perspective encompasses an environment with providers, customers, information users as well as other consumers. The value in the network is created in the presence of symbiotic value relationship between digitized products and digital services. This means that the use of digitized products and design of digital services are mutual and interdependent, and the services cannot be designed if the products are not in use. The symbiosis influences roles, relationships and currency of exchanges in the value network of manufacturing of manufacturing firms. The findings provide new insights to practice by providing an understanding of how manufacturing firms can leverage the value of digitized products and digital services in value networks. In general, it can be said that innovation in the digital age has a profound impact on changing the business landscape of manufacturing firms from value chain to value network.

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Guest Lecture – Mats Alvesson

Mats AlvessonOn February 12th 10-12 the Department of Informatics is arranging a lecture with Mats Alvesson.

Alvesson is a prolific, well cited and internationally established researcher on organization, management and identity. In 2010, he was appointed Wallenberg Scholar with a personal research grant of 15 million kr.


The lecture is themed “Creative Research” and discusses two ideas on how to produce interesting research. 1) Identify and articulate implicit assumptions within a field of knowledge and formulate opposite assumptions, and 2) Create and solve mysteries.

The lecture is based on the book “Kreativ forskning. Mysteriet som metod” (Alvesson, Kärreman, Liber 2012).