Happy Helloween

Happy Helloween
Today we had a workshop regarding future radar systems specifically focus on co-existents’ of many radar and communication systems within the same spectrum range. The workshop was led by Hans Hellsten (SAAB, and adj. prof. Halmstad University). Except technical challenges the financing of a national radar system research program was initiated. My personal belief is that this technology area is of great importance in the future, especially considering radar in future cars (especially considering autonomous cars) and as an important sensor in many future Internet of Things applications. I really believe that it is utterly important that some of the research funding agencies actually take on this responsibility and fund research activities in this area to preserve existent knowledge and increase the research in the area of radar systems to strengthen Swedish industrial competiveness in a wide range of application areas.
These Guys have been locked into a room in our corridor for months and their pain and transpiration paid off. This project actually manifests the importance of intensive teamwork in engineering education.
Halmstad university and ECH was present at the Scandinavian Electronics Event (S.E.E) 2016.
The boat anchor collector of course also bought some production equipment when visiting Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden. A reflow oven and an old pick and place machine are always handy to have.
The 11th of September ECH’s new facilities are ianagurated at Halmstad University. The program is availble here: Program+11+september
You can register for the event here: http://www.hh.se/invigning
During the period of January to August 2015 the new test facility was under construction. Starting with the concrete slab that was moulded in January 2015.
The roof was raised in February
and walls.
Here comes the steel plates to the chamber
some tricky manouvering takes place when the packages is moved insied the building.
3 meter measuring range in place
and sheilded room
and here is the happy team behind ECH test centre.
Halmstad university and ECH was present at the first Embedded Conference Scandinavia (ECS) – syd 2015.
We brought a modern version of “The thing” in “The Addams family”.
“The Thing”
Our modern version of “The Thing”
And of course some intense discussions during the IoT session!
and att last Anders in a hurry looking for a Sandwich!
Halmstad University was well represented at ECS 2014, at the action arena two out of three events was arranged by Halmstad University. As well phd students as graduate students was angaged in demos of autonomous quadracopter as dancing neo robots promoting as EIS industrial graduate school as the “master program in computer engineering (civilingenjör i datateknik).
Neil Chilton from Printed Electronics Limited U.K. gave the tutorial “Printed Electronics 101 – an overview of inkjet and additive manufacturing methods”. A six hour tutorial which clearly gave me a deeper insight in possibilities and challenges with inkjet printing and additive manufacturing methods for production of electronics. Neils tutorial goes through inkjet printing (material deposition) five basic elemnts: ink(s), inkjet head(s), substrate(s), functionalisation and the platform(machine). The inkjet system’s function is: to deliver the right amount of ink; meassured in carefully dispensed drops,; as accurately as possible; to a substrate that is in motion with resepect to the head; all in a one millimeter journey between the head and the substrate. Clearly this is a challenge!