Monthly Archives: November 2017

SISA 2017 Conference at Halmstad University

SISA (The Swedish Information Systems Academy) is a national organisation for all Informatics departments in Sweden. This year Halmstad University chaired the annual conference on October 18-19, lead by the chair of SISA 2016/2017 Maria Åkesson. An important goal with SISA is to discuss the development of Informatics in Sweden. This year the SISA conference focused on (among other things) evaluation of PhD education, national collaboration around education, gender and equality integration in education and research, and the role of Informatics in the age of digitalization, to mention a few themes. Students from the bachelor programs Digital Design and Innovation and Enterprise Information Systems attended with posters. At the conference the winners of the Börje Langefors prize for the best dissertation in Informatics, and the prize for best pedagogical achievement were announced.
Erik Perjons and Ilia Bider (prize winners), Stockholm University, and Jonas Sjöström (nominee), Uppsala University. (Not in the picture – Christina Keller, chair of the prize committee). Photo: MARIA ÅKESSON

Erik Perjons and Ilia Bider (prize winners), Stockholm University, and Jonas Sjöström (nominee), Uppsala University. (Not in the picture – Christina Keller, chair of the prize committee).
Photo: Maria Åkesson Text: Magnus Bergqvvist & Maria Åkesson

For more information about SISA see:

Best Thesis in Informatics 2017

Students Hedir Saad Khazaal and Per Sonberg received award for “Best Thesis in Informatics 2017”.

In their thesis, an important subject for digital service innovation is discussed which has implications for individuals and society at large. Through a well implemented design study, the thesis contributes to guidelines for which services within e-health aids human-centered care.

Congrats Per and Hedir!


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