Kategoriarkiv: Konferenser – Conferences

Nothing new under the sun – Second day at the #NordicAphasia Conference

A parade of renowned researchers gave lectures today, during the second day of the Nordic Aphasia Conference. Julius Fridriksson (from the University of South Carolina) reminded us that every idea we can come up with probably allready has been tried out by someone else. For example, the idea of Speech Entrainment  (where the person with aphasia articulates words at the same time as someone else, looking at their mouth) was studied in 1913. He showed us a photo of the brain from one of the participants in the 1913 study and it was really striking to see the damage. 

I also enjoyed Monica Blom Johansson’s talk about the impact of aphasia on the life of significant others. She pointed out that there is a correlation between family members’ knowledge about aphasia and the quality of the relationships. The more information the family members get about aphasia, the better the relations within the family. Now, there’s a pedagogical challenge! 


I was also very pleased to find the most tipically Danish dessert I know, at the lunch buffé: Rødgrød med fløde. 

Conversations that matter – First day of the #NordicAphasia Conference in Copenhagen

So, what are my impressions of the first day at the Nordic Aphasia Conference in Copenhagen? What will I remember about this day? 

To be honest, I think I will most clearly remember reading a bed time story to a five year old girl – in Danish. And maybe that is what Aura Kagan’s truly inspirational talk this morning was about too… She emphasised that aphasia rehabilitation should be about conversations that really matter, instead of naming pictures or repeating phrases. And what could be more meaningful than to read bed time stories (even in a language that is far from perfect)?

This afternoon, I did my poster presentation. I really enjoyed the chats and encouragement. It is great to notice than issues of online identity are welcomed into the aphasia research field. 

Last, but certainly not least, I must acknowlede the aphasia artists showing their artwork next to the posters, and the aphasia choir giving their very first concert. Important, interesting and inspirational! 

Conference on Different Bodies, here I come!

I will be spending Sweden’s unofficial national holiday, Midsummer, abroad this year since I will attend the conference ”Different Bodies: (Self-)Representation, Disability and the Media” at the University of Westminster in London. My ongoing PhD project raises a lot of questions about online embodiment of the disabled body, so I am really looking forward to listening to the other presenters. The theme for my own presentation will be ”At least I can Walk – Online Re-negotiation of Identity in Post-stroke Aphasia”.


Third day of the NNDR conference 

So, today it was time for my own presentation at the NNDR conference in (an even more sunny) Örebro. It is a challenge to talk about something seemingly neverending (i.e my doctoral thesis) in only 15 minutes. What to include? Which stories to tell? Anyway, I am happy with the way my presentation turned out, and the positive feedback I received. 

The most impression of today, however, was not my own presentation, but the opportunity to listen to a symposium about the intersection between indigeneity and disability. I must admit that I haven’t given much thought to the issues of disability in indigenous people. The discussion at the symposium made me realise that the sami people (i.e the indigenous people in the northen part of Sweden) is neglected to the extent that we are not even able to study them. Read more at www.nordicwelfare.org/sapmi

It was also interesting to learn more about the aborigines in this regard. Thank you, John Gilroy for travelling from  Australia to enlighten us! 

The last keynote speaker to take the stage was Berth Danemark. I have heard him talking about critical realism, reductionism and interdisciplinary reserach several times before, but it is always interesting. I really like the ontology and epistemology of his work. 


I leave Örebro and NNDR in a very happy mood, but at the same time I cannot wait to get home to my husband and my cat. Have a nice weekend! 

Second day of the NNDR conference 

Another sunny day in Örebro, at the NNDR conference! Another interesting, inspirational, nice day. 

Lisa Pfahl turned the fact that no European country has abandoned school segregation since the CRPD was ratified into a call for action. Disability research needs to step it up to make a difference! Yes, a lot is being done, but we have a long way to go. Ready, steady….. 

It is always an inspiration and a pleasure to listen to Per-Olof Hedvall from Certec, when he talks about universal design. His points about average humans (There is no such thing! So, who are we design for?) and normality (We need to celebrate diversity instead of striving for the normal!) made a true impression on the audience today. 

I also enjoyed the poster session, the informal meetings during lunch and coffee breaks, the symposium ”Young and digital”, and… and…. All of it. 

Last but not least, I had a nice time at the conference dinner tonight. Some nice reunions, some nice new acquaintances. And, as we say in Sweden the dot above the i, the onion on the salmon, the cream on the mash: the Örebro University Choir  did a really great job entertaining us! 

First day of the NNDR conference

Today, 350 delegates from more than 20 countries gathered to attend  the 14th Nordic Network on DisabilityResearch (NNDR) conference hosted by Örebro University here in Sweden. That is, 349 and me! 

My head is spinning of all the impressions from all the lectures, meetings, laughs and new friends (not least the 20 persons gathered at the pre-conference meeting about technology and disability research, out of which a few actually are computational linguists!). Simo Vehmas made fun of us Swedes (and is still planning on moving here). Don Kulick made som important points about speaking for others (Is it possible for a us as researchers to speak for the person we study? Can a disability researcher claim credibility if not disabled himself?). 

But the most interesting contact of today must have been Charlotte Glintborg from Denmark. Her research is about people with acquired brain injuries and their re-negotiation of identity. The way she described their positioning against others, and their comparisons over time, may be just what I need! I will definitely keep in contact with her. 

By the way, Bengt Westerberg – yes, the politician and now the head of The Swedish Institute for Disability Research – stoppad by. He gave a stort talk, critisizing (rightfully) the recent development within the LSS. He also, obviuosly, delivered some refreshments. Thank you, Bengt!

My own presentation will take place in Teknikhuset on Friday. Looking forward! 

Nordic Aphasia Conference in Copenhagen – here I come!

The Nordic Aphasia Conference will take place in Copenhagen in June, and I just received news that I will be presenting a poster!

The title of my poster is ”Online and offline re-negotiation of identity when living with post-stroke aphasia” and hopefully I will get interesting and challenging questions from the other attendees. Looking forward!

I also look forward to meeting some of the people I met in London last December. Great people doing great research!


Nordisk konferens om funktionshinder, Örebro maj 2017

I maj anordnar nätverket Nordic Network on Disability Research (NNDR) en konferens med rubriken ”Living with disability”. Det blir den 14:e upplagan av konferensen och den äger rum i Örebro den här gången.

Jag kommer hålla en muntlig presentation om min forskning under konferensen, vilket jag ser fram emot. Rubriken för min presentation är ”Online and offline re-negotiation of self when living with post-stroke aphasia”. Jag hoppas få många intressanta frågor och kommentarer!


Third day of the @IARC2016 #aphasia conference 

The third day of Christmas – no, sorry – the conference! Two keynote speakers, four platform talks, a load of parallell workshops and twenty three posters. Puh! 

Some very brief thoughts from a tired but happy brain: 

1) When researchers like Miranda Rose and Carola de Beer talks about multimodality, they mean non-verbal language such as gestures. That if, of course, both important and interesting – but it makes me wonder how they think about the multimodality of the Internet. I whish we’d had more time to chat about that, but I’m hoping there will be more opportunities in the future. 

2) Great to chat with Madeleine Crucie about issues of identityin terms of psychological wellbeing (and thus health). She truly is an inspiration!

3) I will definitely stay tuned on the EVA park-project! A virtual would (very much like Second Life, btw) for people with aphasia to practice social interaction – how cool is that? 

4) Already looking forward to the 18th IARC conference in Portugal in September 2018. See you there!