First day of the NNDR conference

Today, 350 delegates from more than 20 countries gathered to attend  the 14th Nordic Network on DisabilityResearch (NNDR) conference hosted by Örebro University here in Sweden. That is, 349 and me! 

My head is spinning of all the impressions from all the lectures, meetings, laughs and new friends (not least the 20 persons gathered at the pre-conference meeting about technology and disability research, out of which a few actually are computational linguists!). Simo Vehmas made fun of us Swedes (and is still planning on moving here). Don Kulick made som important points about speaking for others (Is it possible for a us as researchers to speak for the person we study? Can a disability researcher claim credibility if not disabled himself?). 

But the most interesting contact of today must have been Charlotte Glintborg from Denmark. Her research is about people with acquired brain injuries and their re-negotiation of identity. The way she described their positioning against others, and their comparisons over time, may be just what I need! I will definitely keep in contact with her. 

By the way, Bengt Westerberg – yes, the politician and now the head of The Swedish Institute for Disability Research – stoppad by. He gave a stort talk, critisizing (rightfully) the recent development within the LSS. He also, obviuosly, delivered some refreshments. Thank you, Bengt!

My own presentation will take place in Teknikhuset on Friday. Looking forward! 

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